S.No Project Code Data Analysis Project Topics
Data Analysis Projects
1 DTA01 City Employee Salary Data Analysis
2 DTA02 Topic Modelling using K-means clustering
3 DTA03 Insurance Pricing Forecast
4 DTA04 Churn Prediction in Telecom
5 DTA05 Predicting Wine Preferences of Customers using Wine Dataset
6 DTA06 Identifying Product Bundles from Sales Data
7 DTA07 Movie Review Sentiment Analysis
8 DTA08 Store Sales Forecasting
9 DTA09 Data Analysis and Visualization using Apache Spark and Zeppelin
10 DTA10 Apache Hive for Real-time Queries and Analytics
11 DTA11 Building a Music Recommendation Engine
12 DTA12 Airline Dataset Analysis
13 DTA13 Analysis of Yelp Dataset Using Hive
14 DTA14 Build a Data Pipeline based on Messaging using PySpark and Hive
15 DTA15 Event Data Analysis
16 DTA16 Building a Job Portal using Twitter Data
17 DTA17 Implementing Slowly Changing Dimensions in a Data Warehouse
18 DTA18 Analyzing CO2 Emissions
19 DTA19 Data Analysis using Clustering
20 DTA20 Exploring the Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Market
21 DTA21 The Android App Market on Google Play
22 DTA22 Real-time Insights from Social Media Data
23 DTA23 Analyze International Debt Statistics
24 DTA24 Functions for Food Price Forecasts
25 DTA25 Reducing Traffic Mortality in the USA
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