S.No Project Code Validation-Details Project Topics
1 VLSI01 AxPPA: Approximate Parallel Prefix Adders
2 VLSI02 Low-Complexity Distributed Arithmetic-Based Architecture for Inner-Product of Variable Vectors
3 VLSI03 An Energy-Efficient Binary-Interfaced Stochastic Multiplier Using Parallel Datapaths
4 VLSI04 Exact and Approximate Squarer’s for Error- Tolerant Applications
5 VLSI05 On the Design of Iterative Approximate Floating-Point Multipliers
6 VLSI06 Area-Efficient Parallel Multiplication Units for CNN Accelerators With Output Channel Parallelization
7 VLSI07 A Novel Low-Power Compression Scheme for Systolic Array-Based Deep Learning Accelerators
8 VLSI08 Single Exact Single Approximate Adders and Single Exact Dual Approximate Adders
9 VLSI09 Energy-Efficient Single-Ended Read/Write 10T Near-Threshold SRAM
10 VLSI10 Energy-Efficient Single-Ended Read/Write 10T Near-Threshold SRAM
11 VLSI11 Low-Power Redundant-Transition-Free TSPC Dual-Edge-Triggering Flip-Flop Using Single-Transistor-Clocked Buffer
12 VLSI12 Cascode Cross-Coupled Stage High-Speed Dynamic Comparator in 65 nm CMOS
13 VLSI13 High-Speed Counter With Novel LFSR State Extension
14 VLSI14 k-Degree Parallel Comparison-Free Hardware Sorter for Complete Sorting
15 VLSI15 A DFT-Compatible In-Situ Timing Error Detection and Correction Structure Featuring Low Area and Test Overhead
16 VLSI16 Low Latency SEU Detection in FPGA CRAM With In-Memory ECC Checking
17 VLSI17 Efficient Error Detection for Matrix Multiplication With Systolic Arrays on FPGAs
18 VLSI18 FPGA-Based Configurable and Highly Flexible PAM4 SerDes Simulation System
19 VLSI19 STRAIT: Self-Test and Self-Recovery for AI Accelerator
20 VLSI20 Storage-Based Logic Built-In Self-Test With Partitioned Deterministic Compressed Tests
21 VLSI21 Storage-Based Logic Built-In Self-Test With Cyclic Tests
22 VLSI22 Estimating the Number of Extra Tests During Iterative Test Generation for Single-Cycle Gate-Exhaustive Faults
23 VLSI23 Test Methodology for Defect-Based Bridge Faults
24 VLSI24 Path Unselection for Path Delay Fault Test Generation
25 VLSI25 A New Static Compaction of Deterministic Test Sets
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