S.No Project Code Machine learning Project Topics
Machine learning Projects
1 ML01 Data-Driven Capacity Estimation of Li-Ion Batteries Using Constant Current Charging at Various Ambient Temperatures
2 ML02 Approaches to Overpower Proof-of-Work Blockchains Despite Minority
3 ML03 Statistical Analysis of Remote Health Monitoring Based IoT Security Models & Deployments From a Pragmatic Perspective
4 ML04 Computer Vision on X-Ray Data in Industrial Production and Security Applications: A Comprehensive Survey
5 ML05 Categorical Diversity-Aware Inner Product Search
6 ML06 Graph Neural Network for Air Quality Prediction: A Case Study in Madrid
7 ML07 PANCODE: Multilevel Partitioning of Neural Networks for Constrained Internet-of-Things Devices
8 ML08 A Data Privacy Protection Diagnosis Framework for Multiple Machines Vibration Signals Based on a Swarm Learning Algorithm
9 ML09 GeFL: Gradient Encryption-Aided Privacy Preserved Federated Learning for Autonomous Vehicles
10 ML10 Proactive Random-Forest Autoscaler for Microservice Resource Allocation
11 ML11 Brazilian scientific productivity from a gender perspective during the Covid-19 pandemic: classification and analysis via machine learning
12 ML12 Radiofrequency Signal Levels Predition Using Machine Learning Models
13 ML13 Review of Intelligent Algorithms for Breast Cancer Control: a Latin America Perspective
14 ML14 Machine Learning-Based Online Coverage Estimator (MLOE): Advancing Mobile Network Planning and Optimization
15 ML15 Efficient Bioinspired Feature Selection and Machine Learning Based Framework Using Omics Data and Biological Knowledge Data Bases in Cancer Clinical Endpoint Prediction
16 ML16 Eye-Tracking Image Encoding: Autoencoders for the Crossing of Language Boundaries in Developmental Dyslexia Detection
17 ML17 SDOT: Secure Hash, Semantic Keyword Extraction, and Dynamic Operator Pattern-Based Three-Tier Forensic Classification Framework
18 ML18 Predictive Model Of Employee Attrition Based On Stacking Ensemble Learning
19 ML19 Smart Email Categorization
20 ML20 A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Model For Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Classification From Fundus Images
21 ML21 Classification of Polluted Silicone Rubber Insulators by Using LIBS Assisted Machine Learning Techniques
22 ML22 Machine Learning for Emergency Management: A Survey and Future Outlook
23 ML23 Machine Learning Algorithms for Epilepsy Detection Based on Published EEG Databases: A Systematic Review
24 ML24 Personalization of Control Systems by Policy Update With Improving User Trust
25 ML25 PAC-Bayes Meta-Learning With Implicit Task-Specific Posteriors
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