S.No |
Project Code |
Machine learning Project Topics |
Machine learning Projects |
1 |
ML01 |
Data-Driven Capacity Estimation of Li-Ion Batteries Using Constant Current Charging at Various Ambient Temperatures |
2 |
ML02 |
Approaches to Overpower Proof-of-Work Blockchains Despite Minority |
3 |
ML03 |
Statistical Analysis of Remote Health Monitoring Based IoT Security Models & Deployments From a Pragmatic Perspective |
4 |
ML04 |
Computer Vision on X-Ray Data in Industrial Production and Security Applications: A Comprehensive Survey |
5 |
ML05 |
Categorical Diversity-Aware Inner Product Search |
6 |
ML06 |
Graph Neural Network for Air Quality Prediction: A Case Study in Madrid |
7 |
ML07 |
PANCODE: Multilevel Partitioning of Neural Networks for Constrained Internet-of-Things Devices |
8 |
ML08 |
A Data Privacy Protection Diagnosis Framework for Multiple Machines Vibration Signals Based on a Swarm Learning Algorithm |
9 |
ML09 |
GeFL: Gradient Encryption-Aided Privacy Preserved Federated Learning for Autonomous Vehicles |
10 |
ML10 |
Proactive Random-Forest Autoscaler for Microservice Resource Allocation |
11 |
ML11 |
Brazilian scientific productivity from a gender perspective during the Covid-19 pandemic: classification and analysis via machine learning |
12 |
ML12 |
Radiofrequency Signal Levels Predition Using Machine Learning Models |
13 |
ML13 |
Review of Intelligent Algorithms for Breast Cancer Control: a Latin America Perspective |
14 |
ML14 |
Machine Learning-Based Online Coverage Estimator (MLOE): Advancing Mobile Network Planning and Optimization |
15 |
ML15 |
Efficient Bioinspired Feature Selection and Machine Learning Based Framework Using Omics Data and Biological Knowledge Data Bases in Cancer Clinical Endpoint Prediction |
16 |
ML16 |
Eye-Tracking Image Encoding: Autoencoders for the Crossing of Language Boundaries in Developmental Dyslexia Detection |
17 |
ML17 |
SDOT: Secure Hash, Semantic Keyword Extraction, and Dynamic Operator Pattern-Based Three-Tier Forensic Classification Framework |
18 |
ML18 |
Predictive Model Of Employee Attrition Based On Stacking Ensemble Learning |
19 |
ML19 |
Smart Email Categorization |
20 |
ML20 |
A Hybrid Convolutional Neural Network Model For Automatic Diabetic Retinopathy Classification From Fundus Images |
21 |
ML21 |
Classification of Polluted Silicone Rubber Insulators by Using LIBS Assisted Machine Learning Techniques |
22 |
ML22 |
Machine Learning for Emergency Management: A Survey and Future Outlook |
23 |
ML23 |
Machine Learning Algorithms for Epilepsy Detection Based on Published EEG Databases: A Systematic Review |
24 |
ML24 |
Personalization of Control Systems by Policy Update With Improving User Trust |
25 |
ML25 |
PAC-Bayes Meta-Learning With Implicit Task-Specific Posteriors |